A quick search on Google about the Bible being changed leads you to answers like this:
“Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have undergone changes over the centuries, including the publication of the King James Bible in 1611 and the addition of several books that were discovered later.” – History.com
If people really did pick and choose what books made it into the Bible (maybe for political gain, etc.) then Christianity is certainly questionable. Why would anyone trust a book about God produced by men? Why would anyone trust a book that claims to be true in every way that was written and selected by men?
Knowing how we got the Bible and what it is greatly strengthens your faith and the ability to trust what we have today is the Word of God.
1. Textual Transmission of the Text
The original Old Testament and New Testament texts were hand written, and copies were made by hand until the invention of the printing press in 1450. Because copies were made by hand, minimal textual variants and errors should be expected in the copies. But what makes the Bible so unique is that there are many more ancient manuscripts available today than any other ancient work, and the amount of textual variants is rather small. Prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the earliest known manuscript of the Old Testament text was from 935 AD. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed this document as textually accurate and it showed that Old Testament manuscripts have been faithfully copied for over 1,000 years. There are also over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in existence and in all of these there are only about 150,000 word variations, none of which impacts a doctrinal point.
2. Translation of the Text
The formal approach to the translation of Scripture is a word for word translation seeking to be as literal as possible, whereas the functional approach to translation is a thought by thought translation which seeks to translate the idioms and ideas that the original audience heard.
There are two major manuscript families that Enlgish translations come from. One is called the Byzantine texts and from that we get the King James Version. The other family is called the Alexandrian family and from that we get all the other translations like NABS, ESv, NIV, NLT, etc. So is one better than the other? Not necessarily. There is a less than 5% difference between the two families of texts, the main difference being the Alexandrian family is smaller (Mark 16:9-20 omitted, and other verses and words are omitted).
3. Present Access to the Word of God
Although we do not have access to the autographs today we can be confident that we have access to God’s Word. Our English Bible that we read is the inspired Word of God in a virtual and derived sense. The autographs are verbally and plenary inspired in an immediate and actual way.
The copies of those autographs are inspired in a verbal, derived and virtual way.
The translations that we have are inspired in a derived and virtual way.
Although we do not have the autographs, the copies are so numerous and similar that we can be confident that they contain the words of God like the autographs did, and our translations come from these manuscripts. Our modern translations are made from a text, that is essentially identical to the autograph, which is the absolute standard, so in this sense (derived, and virtual) they (our modern translations) are inspired.
4. Jesus Saves!
1 Corinthians 15:13-14 NLT
13 For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless.
If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our Bible study is useless too. If Christ has not been raised from the dead what good is the Bible? Jesus’ resurrection proves who Jesus was and what he came to do. Because of Jesus’ resurrection we preach. Because of Jesus’ resurrection our faith in Jesus results in salvation by grace alone. The Bible certainly gives us special revelation about these things and we know about these things because of what we read in the Bible today, but from the very beginning “the Bible” does not save you. It never saved anyone. The Bible reveals a savior who rose from the dead and that event changed everything.