God created the light and called it day. (Genesis 1:5)
Adam named all the animals (Genesis 2:20)
Adam named Eve (Genesis 3:20)
Adam’s naming his wife, Eve, after the first sin and after the judgements pronounced by God seems like a strange thing. Why then? And didn’t Adam just blame Eve for his sin?
In the worst moment in human history up until this point, God not only speaks judgement, but he also speaks salvation.
In the worst moment of Adam’s life, he hears from the Lord and chooses to respond in faith.
Adam understood that Eve was going to give birth to their children and that God also just promised that one of their descendants would crush the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15).
Adam heard from the Lord and named his wife Eve which means “to give life.” Eve would be the mother of every human being born throughout history. Through her family line would come Jesus, through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, he would defeat the devil and crush his head.
Through Jesus, the second Adam, we all can have life. (Romans 5).
What do you call the things in your life? Do you respond in difficult situations by speaking words of fear and failure? Or do you respond with words of hope and faith?