My Hope For Us in this season is that we will grow to love God more through a deepened understanding of what He has already said to us through His word and that this would transform the way we relate to the people around us.
-Pastor Kevin Greene
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. - 2 Timothy 3:16 NLT
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Bible Tip of The Day: Imagine overhearing a conversation and hearing the phrase, “you are bad.” In our culture today, how can we determine what the word “bad” means? In some situations, “bad” means that someone misbehaved or acted disobediently, in other situations “bad” means unable to do something well, such as swing a golf club, or in other situations “bad” may also mean something positive. So how can we understand what the author intended his words to mean? There is a 7-step procedure that you can follow to understand the authors intended meaning of words.
- Identify the general literary form (prose, poetry, wisdom, etc.).
- Trace the development of the author’s theme and show how the passage under consideration fits into the context.
- Identify the natural division of the text.
- Identify connection words within paragraphs and sentences. A good word to recognize is “therefore.”
- Determine what the individual words mean. (We will talk more about this soon)
- Analyze the syntax (how the words are arranged).
- Put the results of your analysis into easily understood words that clearly convey the author’s meaning to the English reader. Basically, create your own paraphrase.
Do Today: Read Luke 15:1-7 and pick 2 important words/phrases in these verses. Do your best to identify what they mean and why they are important. Then, write your own paraphrase of these verses.
Reminder: Project 1 is due by the end of this week. Understanding words and meaning is part of step two (interpretation). Here is a link to where you can post your responses.
If you'd like to continue to study along with us through days 5-14 please sign up for the weekly email or login through this webpage. We are so glad you are joining us!
Bible Tip of The Day: Where do you start reading your Bible? Check out where Sandra thinks is the best place to start HERE in this short video. Many people say reading John is a great place to start too!
Do Today: Write down your observations for Romans 4:1-25. Who is the writer, what is he writing about, where are the written events located, who is speaking in the passage, etc.
Observation Example: Luke 15:1-7
Observations: Tax collectors and sinners wanted to hear Jesus. Pharisees and teachers of the law muttered that Jesus ate with these types of people. Jesus tells parable about a person that had 100 sheep and lost one of them. The shepherd who lost the one sheep goes to find it, and after rejoices with friends. There is more rejoicing in heaven over the one who repents than the ninety-nine that do not.
Project 1 due by the end of this week! Your observations can be shared with everyone here.
Bible Tip of The Day: This may sound simplistic, but I actually read my Bible. It's surprising how many times I talk to believers, and when I question them about their Bible reading habits, I discover that they simply don't read scripture! – Denny
Do Today: Read Romans 4:1-25. Just read it. No notes. No study. No other material. If you are feeling brave read some of the chapters before and after Romans 4 as well.
Project 1 due by the end of this week! Check it out here. Project 2 will be due by the end of week number 2.
The Bible is the bestselling book of all time. It’s estimated that 5 to 7 billion copies have been printed over approximately 1,500 years and the full Bible has been translated into more than 700 languages!
The contents of the Bible were written by over 40 authors, on three continents, in three languages, over the course of over 1500 years.
One of the first Bible Apps (YouVersion) is on over 400 million devices around the world with over 2,000 Bible versions in 1,300+ languages.
The Bible is a collection of books that contain amazing words.. and also words like:
My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. – Jeremiah 4:19 (When you just have to go to the bathroom).
This may be funny; but it illustrates that the Bible taken completely out of context just doesn’t make any sense. You can also get yourself into a lot of trouble and believe some very false things by reading your Bible.
Join us for the next 13 days of “How To Study Your Bible.”
We will hear from a variety of voices from ConnectUs Church.
We will participate together with two weekly projects.
We will study the Bible together.
Thanks for joining us! Reply to any email at any time and we will reply to you.
Ps. Week 1 project will be talked about more tomorrow. But until then start reading Romans 4:1-25. Check it out here.