My Hope For Us in this season is that we will experience a fresh dedication of ourselves to
prayer which will bring us to a new level of dependance on God and will renew our perspective
of our life, our relationship with God, and our world; and commitment to Jesus and His church.
-Pastor Kevin Greene

Prayer – Let’s Talk to God and Listen to what He tells us
Response – Let’s move in faith to what God reveals to us.
Click the link to sign up for 21 days of prayer delivered straight to your email inbox or visit connectuschurch.org/21-days-of-prayer to login to view the daily prompts on the webpage. Every day you’ll find a new devotional thought, and action to do, and a Scripture to study or Prayer Focus to experience.
Just sign up by providing an email address and the password you create to access all 21 days on this webpage. If you prefer to recieve the 21 days of prayer in your email inbox click here to sign up.
Get a taste of the 21 days of prayer by following along with the first 4 days below.
Below you'll find the current day and keep scrolling down to see all the days.
Is there anything you are regularly doing on your schedule that you can’t do with passion? What are some reasons that would be the case? Are you doing the wrong thing? Are you stretched too thin? Are you worrying about something else? Are you not sleeping or eating well?
ACTION: Drink a glass of water
Prayer Focus: Prayers For Others
Directions: Pick one person not related to you and pray for them.
- Pray for their family
- Pray for their work
- Pray for their faith
- Pray for their courage
- Pray for something specific to them and their situation
If you'd like to continue to pray along with us through days 5-21 please sign up for the weekly email or login through this webpage. We are so glad you are joining us!
Downtime can consume a lot of your time. One hour turns into two turns into five. On a scale of 1 to 10 how satisfied are you with how you spend your rest/downtime? Would your spouse or good friend say you “watch too much tv, spend too much time on your phone, etc.?”
ACTION: READ. Read something that interests you today.
SCRIPTURE: 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. – Philippians 4:8-9 NLT
Review your normal schedule and ask yourself these two questions
1) Is my schedule what I want it to be?
2) Am I making time for the most important things in my life?
ACTION: WALK. Go for a walk that lasts for at least 5 minutes.
Prayer Focus:
Memories of Blessings
God has been at work this year in your life and in our church. Where do you remember seeing Him? What experience stands out to you? Share it!
- Think of a memory related to ConnectUs Church. If you are new to ConnectUs Church maybe think about something that drew you to be a part of these 21 days of prayer.
- Use your phone to record a video of you sharing this memory and send it to Pastor Kevin at the church number – 717-742-5535 (text it) or email ([email protected]). You can also call 717-742-5535 and leave a voicemail. Or type your memory out and send it via text or email.
Memory Ideas:
- Do you remember our grand opening service?
- Do you remember something that happened during a small group?
- Do you remember something that happened outside of regularly scheduled church time with people from church?
- Do you remember specific people doing specific things for you or with you?
- Do you remember a sermon or message that impacted you?
- Do you remember our first baptisms or communion?
- Do you remember attending First Step for the first time?
- Do you remember seeing the opportunity to join the 21 days of prayer?
Write your normal schedule for today on a piece of paper. What do you do and when do you do it? Let’s first be aware of what we are doing with our time.
ACTION (Put Your Prayer Into Motion and apply some of the principles that we are talking about in The Balance Myth Series): Set a timer for 5 minutes and literally do nothing. Reflect on what you think about and how you feel.
SCRIPTURE: He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” – Psalm 46:10